Tips for visiting Lisbon

Lisbon is the capitol and largest city in Portugal . The city has 500,000 inhabitants with the greater Lisbon area numbering 3 million. The Lisbon International Airport is located just 5 miles outside the city.

The language of Portugal is Portuguese and while it is a Latin language with the same base as Italian, French and Spanish but it sounds nothing like any of them. There is a sush sound and a rolling of or's that is very uniquely Portuguese. People will say to you that everyone speaks English in Europe, this is not true in Portugal, not even in Lisbon. Personal experience with cab drivers rates about 1 in 10 who can speak fluently and only a few basic words from the rest. Be prepared to show them where you want to go on a map or write the name on a piece of paper.

Portugal used the Euro and is part of the European Union. Each country has their own unique Euros but Euros from anywhere can be used in Portugal. ATM machines in Lisbon are plentiful. Most places will also take credit cards like MasterCard or Visa, some accept American Express and none accept Discover. There are still places where only cash is accepted so be prepared just in case.

Tipping in Portugal is not as wide spread as in other parts of the world. Americans are apt to over tip, keep in mind that a 20% tax has been added to all restaurant bills, 10% is acceptable. Round up your fare in a cab, tips aren't required but as with everywhere are appreciated and the smile you get is well worth it. Tour guides also will be grateful for any tip you give, it is quite refreshing to have a tip being given because you enjoyed the service not because you are required to by etiquette.

Hotels are expensive in Lisbon especially during the season. Expect rooms to be smaller than in the US and in most cases breakfast will be included. Don't expect the same breakfast you get in the US it will be much more International and if it is a buffet can include cold meats and cheese and room temperature milk and cereal. If you want two beds that is know as a twin and a double is one bed, the one bed can really be a double or it may be a queen or even a king.

Dining is delightful in Lisbon. They have every kind of cuisine that you could possibly want to try. There are also some typical chains such as McDonald and Hard Rock Caf. Be sure to try a few of the local specialties.. Grilled sardines, smoked sausage, salted cod, rice puddingwith cinnamon, cod cakes and delicious crusty bread are among the favorites. Tax is included in the menu price but not tip.

Sundays until 2pm many museums offer free entry, do your research and find out if the one you want to visit is included in this plan. The Lisbon card is a good deal for anyone who will visit all the places it covers. It also covers public transportation and the elevators.

Cabs are plentiful and cheap, especially is there are three or more in your group, it will be cheaper to take a cab then to take public transportation.

One thing that everyone in Lisbon will tell you is to watch out for pickpockets and purse snatchers. Especially on the 28 tram you will be warned not to take it. It does run to most of the tourist areas so you will have to decided if it is worth the risk. Multiple warning were issued especially concerning Romanians who are much in evidence begging around town at most heavily trafficked areas. Our hotel had a policeman posted at the front door.

Fado is an obsession in Lisbon and there are many places you can go to enjoy this particularly Portuguese song style. You really go and have a meal and then the entertainment is provided.

Words to know:
Obrigada/pbrigado thank you

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